Check the seed before pulling the weed!

garden lastOOPS…

That’s not an atypical comment in my gardening prowess. 

To begin with, there are only a few good things I can say about weeds, one of which is that they afford me at least a little exercise outside in the fresh air. I have some definite work to accomplish in that area, and with a bit of concerted effort, I should make some headway in today’s June morning.  But every once in awhile I’ll be out for something else and a particular unwelcomed green thing will catch my eye and up it will come.

I’m not well-versed in weed identification; if something is emerging where I didn’t plant it, it grows at its own peril.  Such was the case yesterday after coming home from church.  My eye targeted a shoot that didn’t belong, a seeming invader among my tender herbs and cukes.  Oh, the hubris of such an alien!  How dare this offensive intruder bury his tentacles into my soil, (such as it was…), gorging his rogue self on the much needed nutrients intended for my other dearies!  I did what any note-worthy gardener would do without thinking!!  I plucked it up by the root!


The seedling still bore the Continue reading “Check the seed before pulling the weed!”

Saddle up!

bikesYesterday, Bob and I went on bike ride.  It was beautiful, out in the country, made friends with a couple of dogs (thanks to the treats I always carry.)  It had been awhile since I had been earnestly into biking, so it’s high time to restart.

This morning, however, my left knee disagrees.  Occasionally, it likes to remind me that I’m 30 years beyond 27, and I need to accommodate my activity as such.  Bah-humbug!

Having a wayward part does make my body a bit more challenging.  If I’m going to work up to a full biking club ride, I’m going to have to do some conditioning, for sure.  Thankfully, I’ve got some good help in the Continue reading “Saddle up!”