Is history repeating itself?

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(Note: I put this out around Christmas-time.  In light of current events, I’d like to put it out there again….)

I am neither a sociologist nor an historian, but the increasingly virulent terrorist events of the past decade seem to rival the ancient and infamous “Christian” Crusades of the Dark Ages.  And dark they were, but definitely not Christian.  The genocide of thousands of innocent Muslims in the name of Jesus was not only travesty but, of greater significance, heresy.  We now know (in retrospect) that this was perpetrated not merely by sincere misguided Christians ignorant of the true message of the Christ they professed to serve, but fueled by the worldly greed for land, power, and by the selfish ambition of many that had little or no interest in the God of the Bible. 

Now for the best part. History also reveals that one of the motivating factors in the cessation of these unholy Crusades was the authentic Christians themselves, those who truly knew the Son of Continue reading “Is history repeating itself?”