Fragrance of summer grill

wood 2Probably one of the most popular activities at church parties is volleyball; that is, volleyball in some form.  Because we all know it comes in several creative variations: mud volleyball (a personal favorite, although I’ve never had the opportunity…yet), volleyball with a big inflatable beach ball, and even the old-fashioned kind is still just so much fun on a sunny day with the fragrance of grilling happening in the background.

This, only with volleyball!! (


Such was the situation one morning in our church, as we were setting up for our annual Block Party for the town.

With so many preparations whirling around, a small group of us were fixing the volleyball net, well-used as it was with its holes and tears and tangles and knots.  It can make one appreciate just how L-O-N-G a volleyball is!  There must have been some discouragement as to whether or not it was Continue reading “Fragrance of summer grill”

So, You Wanna Be a Writer

quillThis poem, another great one by Dawn Paoletta, (not me, I’m the OTHER Dawn, and you know, not a poet…), pretty much speaks for itself.  Talk about insight, and wit!  Be sure and check out her beautiful place on the planet at Enthusiastically Dawn!  

So, You Wanna Be A Writer (Secrets of a Writer’s Life)



wanna be

a writer?

Well, listen carefully to me

before your dreams are crushed

and ego bruised carelessly.

I’ll tell you what you need to do

and why you shouldn’t care

whether or not your published

or write as a career.

I’ll tell you the secrets

all writers need to know,

how writing in your closet

and writing on the go

will take you on a journey

not unlike Jacques Cousteau.

Listen very closely,

as I preach with my keys-

secret number one

is to write exactly as you please-

forget about the masses,

and what “everyone” will think

ignore your morning chores,

leave the dishes in the sink.

Take your pen and journal

shut the door and sit-

I’m onto secret number two-

in just a little bit.

Conclusion number one is this:

A Writer never quits! 

Secret number two is this,

just be still!

Hurry up, seize the day –

be present where you are-

fill up every moment

as you would an empty jar-

with fireflies,

people’s lies,

and everything you know

capture every moment

as if falling snow.

Each experience encountered

provides an empty box

with a plethora of topics

not unlike a crazy fox-

doubling back on his tracks

and knowing that each step

matters in the sequence

not unlike a writer’s prep.

One more thing I must add now

In all things keep your wit-

Conclusion number two is this:

A Writer never quits!

On to secret number three

I’ll squeeze the best into this test

a thought for you to ponder

a writer

must write

 as sure as birds fly yonder.

A writer wages a war with pen

brings life to his reflections

the ink does birth

the writer’s thoughts

making magical connections,

but every writer needs one friend

to suggest a few corrections.

Otherwise he must stay true

to his own introspection.

The Writer’s only secret

I must now admit

is conclusion number three:

A Writer never quits! 

by Dawn Paoletta (A Writer)