I’ve got your back

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I wish I could think of a better title for this, as it was used in a similar offering on Facebook, but it’s honestly the best title for this concept.  A (very) little research reveals that the phrase originated in WW2, when men were cleaning up remaining enemy pockets after a stronghold had been conquered.  Going into a house or room meant his ammo was pointed ahead, but it left the soldier’s back unprotected. 

Unless his comrade “had his back”. 

But sometimes, the comrade isn’t there.  Or is out of ammo himself.  Or we simply don’t wait for “back up”. 

Then we tend to end up (yeah, forgive me) “flat on our backs.”  (Couldn’t resist.)

This poor guy had basically given up.  All was lost.  His future looked pretty bleak, and short.  His head was pulled inside, his legs had stopped flailing.  Hope was taking a hike.

That is, until his buddy comes along.  After a few nudges, you’ll notice the little guy’s head pops back out and his legs begin pumping away!  Maybe there will be a happy ending after all. 

We all have times (and if you don’t, you probably know people who do) when we just want to, or have, given up all hope.  The spiritual rug has been snatched out from under us, and whether it’s our fault or not, we still end up with our world upside down and us flat on our backs.  Helpless. 


If anyone had the opportunity to feel this way, I would cast my vote for Paul.  Shipwrecked, slandered, whipped, imprisoned, abandoned by former colleagues, and on top of all that, hearing about how some of his earlier work was being sorely abused and buffeted, and suffering loss.  Thankfully, he had someone, several in fact, that had his back so that he could keep looking and pressing forward instead of always looking over his shoulder:

Your love has given me much joy and comfort, my brother, for your kindness has often refreshed the hearts of God’s people.”

It’s unfortunate, and so very dangerous, when we think we’ll go it alone.  I’m a bit of an introvert, but I know I need people, and more importantly, I know (now) that people need me.  They need what I have been entrusted with by God.  They need me to “nudge them” when they’ve given up.  They need me to have their backs.  It’s the way God designed us to be.  All of us.

So….who has yours?

Philemon 1:7 New Living Translation (NLT) Holy Bible. New Living Translation copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved

Author: dawnlizjones

Tends toward TMI, so here's the short list: guitar and banjo (both of which have been much neglected as of late), bicycling (ibid), dogs, very black tea, and contemplating and commenting on deep philosophical thoughts about which I have had no academic or professional training. Oh, also reading, writing, but I shy away from arithmetic.

5 thoughts on “I’ve got your back”

  1. I love this expression. There were many times when a certain college student felt overwhelmed, discouraged, and not sure she could keep on keeping on (a phrase oft repeated by her dad) throughout her undergrad years. Frequently I would simply say to her, “Always remember: GGYB”. She would know that meant “God’s Got Your Back” and that even when I couldn’t be with her, she was never alone. It gave her the hope and encouragement to buckle down and work through whatever was challenging her. Fast forward beyond four and a half years of undergrad to the confident young grad student/research assistant of today, I rarely have to use that with her anymore, but it’s ready and waiting, as is our Heavenly Father, for us to call upon His name when we need to. What a blessing to know that He, too, has our backs!

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  2. There were several folks who helped push me back over onto my feet when I was flailing on my back in depression. They kept speaking God’s truth to me, praying for me, and simply encouraging me during that time until I was upright. I am forever grateful to God for them!

    Liked by 3 people

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