But I’m only worried about the toe nail clipper

HAHAhaha! Yes, Pastor Ashcroft, I so relate! As it used to be called, the “tyranny of the urgent” which supplants that which is most important. This is terrific!

Mustard Seed Budget

IMG_0866There are boxes and piles around my apartment as I just completed my move to the San Fernando Valley to start a church. There 1,749 things that need to be sorted out and put away. But I’m not worried about any of them.

I’m worried about finding just one thing: the toe nail clipper. These are the misadventures of the Valley Boy Pastor.

The ridiculously mundane can crowd out Jesus. So easily I get stressed out or bummed out. Out of what? Out of the joy of daily relationship with Jesus.

There’s a lot to do and detractors prowling. It’s easy to forget Priority #1 among so many priorities. This is an appeal — to myself primarily — to keep focused on Jesus always as I plant a church in Van Nuys with the Christian Fellowship Ministries.

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Author: dawnlizjones

Tends toward TMI, so here's the short list: guitar and banjo (both of which have been much neglected as of late), bicycling (ibid), dogs, very black tea, and contemplating and commenting on deep philosophical thoughts about which I have had no academic or professional training. Oh, also reading, writing, but I shy away from arithmetic.

3 thoughts on “But I’m only worried about the toe nail clipper”

  1. I too can relate to difficulties with “priority #1 of all the priorities.” As for my clippers, I leave my toes to the “pedicure experts” around the corner, (arthritis in my back…no really!)


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