Are the bagworms winning?

garden last

What is it with these bag worm things??  Sheesh!  The trees around town look like Mordor. 

I am told by my gardening guru at work, that the weather conditions have been very friendly for the proliferation of these wicked creatures that are nibbling steadily away at what was to be my beautiful autumn color.

The good news, she tells me, is that no matter how bad the tree looks, the timing of this outbreak is just right in that the trees are shedding their leaves anyway, and this will take care of the problem before the trees are killed off.

Timing.  Hmmm. 

I’m not always real good with that concept.  We have a special word in English for what I’m feeling:


I’m not sure waiting gets all that much easier in adulthood than from when we were two.  Our expectations tend to Continue reading “Are the bagworms winning?”